In USA, hundreds of
RO-RO shipping companies are working to provide their services of shipment from USA to other countries of the world. RO-RO shipping companies usually handle the transfer of all those goods that possess wheels in them. These items include cars, trucks, boats, construction machines and other such massive equipments. USA contains many such RO-RO shipping companies which handle such transfers. Generally, these services are provided to transfer the vehicles for sales purpose. Most of the exporters of USA make use of the RO-RO shipping companies in order to export their vehicles for sales purpose from USA.

The ships which are used by the RO-RO shipping companies are designed in a flexible manner and have a capacity to incorporate large vehicles in them in a safe and a harmless manner. These roll-on roll-off ships have a capacity for storing more than 3000 vehicles in them. The spaces inside these ships look like garage decks which are large enough to carry large number of vehicles in them. These ships are massive enough to carry the vehicles of any type. The massive roll off and roll on ships have almost 12 decks which can carry and transfer large number of cars and other big equipments from USA to other countries for the purpose of sales.
RO-RO shipping companies measure the length and widths of the lanes for transferring the cars and other vehicles in uniformity. As the lanes are different in different ships, therefore, this factor greatly needs to be taken care of.
RO-RO shipping companies in USA offer insurance on per package of the cargo which needs to be transferred. In USA, the amount of the insurance can be from $500 to $500,000. This insurance is basically provided in order to cover all the replacement and accidental costs of the cargo. The insurance can cover up the costs of damage, and all the other risks which are incorporated in the transfer of the cargo from USA.
The vehicle exporting companies of USA consider it preferable to take the services of RO-RO shipping companies. These firms offer better rates to the exporters; therefore, the exporters find it a suitable mean to transfer their vehicles from USA to other destination countries. RO-RO shipping companies are working very actively in USA. Every year, millions of cars and other vehicles are exported to other countries through the services of RO-RO shipping companies.